
Intimidation - Online formation


Bullying challenges you? The Ministry of the Family has developed an online training on bullying for non-specialists in the field, as well as volunteers and managers from all backgrounds (municipalities, recreation and sport, media community, day camps, etc.).

A total of about an hour and a half and composed of five animated and interactive capsules, this training will allow you to

  • recognize bullying situations;
  • take preventive action;
  • recognize the crucial role of a direct or indirect witness;
  • offer your community effective interventions (online capsule in the fall of 2018);
  • discover the rights, remedies and legal consequences of bullying (online capsule in fall 2018).

It should also be noted that a guide to assist organizations in their actions to prevent and counter bullying has recently been posted on the Department's website. This reference tool will be useful for all individuals and organizations who want to better structure, in their community, the preventive measures, the means of making a statement and the accompaniment of the persons targeted by a situation of intimidation.